Monday, September 30, 2019

Positive Effect of Technology Essay

Despite the claims that technology is to blame for many of the world’s ecological problems, technology has also served to improve the shape of our planet. Since the rise of technology in the workplace, numerous ICT companies have been designing â€Å"greener technology† to combat the detrimental effect that computers and their accompanying technology have on the environment. One of the best known organizations is the Green Grid. (Courtney 49) The Green Grid is an organization that consists of IT companies and professionals from around the world. (Courtney, p. 49) The Green Grid is devising ways to improve the way energy is consumed by IT oriented businesses and their offices. (Courtney 49) One of the biggest achievements of the Green Grid is the Power Usage Effectiveness or, PUE, metric system. This system records data center energy consumption. How it works is by recording the energy consumption of a data center or mainframe server every 15 minutes. By recording in these 15 minute increments it helps those monitoring the data to notice if there are any energy fluctuations and if the data center systems are using an adequate amount of energy. (Courtney 49) The long term goal of the Green Grid is to introduce a standard system that allows business managers and IT operatives to compare the amount of the energy they are consuming and if necessary resolve ways to reduce it. (Courtney 49) Another technology that is having positive impacts on the environment is low carbon technology. (Xie 1593) Low carbon technology is a form of technology that has been developed in China. Largely developed because of China’s low carbon footprint in comparison to other developing countries, the low carbon technology aims to offset the amount of emissions polluting the air by using renewable fossil fuels. (Xie 1594) China is a low carbon eco nomy for two main reasons. First, the number of people that own a car is far lower than the national average of a country like the United States. Currently the majority of China’s inhabitants use public transport or bicycles to get around. Second is the high amount of renewable fossil fuels that the country utilizes in its factory productions. (Xie 1594) Fossil fuels are used because of their high energy efficiency and their extremely low emissions. Carbon is not emitted when fossil fuels are used and therefore, many of the Chinese factories run on renewable energy that is created from fossil fuels. (Xie 1594) For other countries to develop effective low carbon technologies, they will need to have a different  approach to their resources than China. This is because many of the other countries will have different environments and different natural resources to hand. (Xie 1595) China’s main resource is its extensive supply of coal which it readily burns as a source of renewable fossil fuel. China has a rich resource of renewable energy and is able to not only exploit its coal resources for the time being, but also its large amount of renewable hydroelectricity. (Xie 1595) These renewable resources, if managed properly will go a long way into creating a low carbon future for China. (Xie 1596) Other countries can also diversify into new low carbon options, thanks to the advances in technology. Bio-fuels, solar power and wind power are no longer science fiction but science fact. They are more than capable of replacing some of the energy resources currently used that produce harmful gases. (Xie 1596) These new developments towards a low carbon future are only possible through our advancements in modern technology and are one way that technology is having a positive and beneficial effect on the environment. One obvious way that technology is helping the ecology of the planet is by reducing the need for paper. With the ever increasing use of email and electronic communication , paperless offices are now a common occurrence in companies. (Jorgenson and Jorgenson 364) Reducing the need for paper in turn reduces the demand for logging and deforestation, allowing richer lands to create a smaller footprint. (Kilian 366) The development of green technologies such as PC power management systems and multi-function devices allows a business that relies heavily on technology to reduce the amount of energy it consumes. (Courtney 51) An office can become more environmentally sound if it employs many of the new energy reducing technologies that are readily available and incorporates them with or eco-friendly practices such as turning off excess lights and using less paper. Jorgenson and Jorgenson 365) According to current statistics, putting energy management systems into practice can save a company a huge amount in energy consumption. (Courtney 50) For example, a company consolidates its 100 physical computer servers into less than 20 servers that operated virtual server software. It not only saves potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in server replacements and repairs, it also saves over 600,000 kilowatts of energy. (Courtney 51) Another example is the replacement of laser printers with multi-function devices. Multi-function devices usually  incorporate a printer, fax machine and photocopier all in one system. This not only saves space but saves the amount of electronic hardware that is permanently on standby in an office. (Courtney 51) Using five multi-function devices in an office instead of five printers, a photocopier and a fax machine are going to enable the office to be more productive and save the company even more in energy consumption. (Courtney 51) This is because instead of a minimum of 7 different machines being on permanent standby, the office will have a maximum of 5 on standby. This is enough to make a significant difference in the office power consumption and also enables more than one person at a time to fax or photocopy. (Courtney 51) Also the amount of repair costs will be reduced as only one product would necessarily need replacing or fixing instead of a potential of 3 different products.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

American Indians Essay

The people now known as Indians or Native Americans were the first people to live in the Americas. They had been living there for thousands of years before any Europeans arrived. The Vikings explored the east coast of North America around A. D. 1000 and had some contact with Indians (Watson & Howell 1980). But lasting contact between Indians and Europeans began with Christopher Columbus’s voyages to the Americas. In 1492, Columbus sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain. He was seeking a short sea route to the Indies, which then included India, China, the East Indies, and Japan. Europeans did not then know that North and South America existed. When Columbus landed in what is now known as the West Indies, he did not realize he had come to a New World. He thought he had reached the Indies, and so he called the people he met Indians. Almost every Indian group had its own name. Many of these names reflected the pride of each group in itself and its way of life. For example, the Delaware Indians of eastern North America called themselves Lenape, which means genuine people. Today, many Indians refer to themselves as Native Americans. The first Indians came to the New World from Siberia, in Asia. Most scientists think they arrived at least 15,000 years ago. At that time huge ice sheets covered much of the northern half of the earth. The Bering Strait, which today is a narrow area of water that separates Asia and North America, was easily walked across by the Indians who were following the animals that they were hunting. Much later this ice sheet melted and the land bridge became covered with water. By then, Indian groups had already spread throughout the New World, all over North and South America. These Indian groups developed different cultures because of the different climates and landforms in the regions in which they settled. Body Anthropologists, scientists who study human culture, classify the hundreds of North and South American Indian tribes into groups of tribes that are alike. These groups are called culture areas. Some of the cultures of North America are the Arctic; the Northeast, or Eastern Woodlands; the Plains; and Southwest. The Indians spoke hundreds of different languages and had many different ways of life. Some groups lived in great cities and others in small villages. The Aztec and the Maya of Central America built large cities. Some of the Aztec cities had as many as 100,000 people. The Maya built special buildings in which they studied the moon, the stars, and the sun. They also developed a calendar and a system of writing. Many of the Indians of Eastern North America lived in villages. They hunted and farmed, growing such crops as beans, corns and squash (Bains, 1985). Most of the Indians were friendly at first and taught the newcomers many things. The European explorers followed Indian trails to sources of water and deposits of copper, gold, silver, turquoise, and other minerals. The Indians taught them to make snowshoes and sleds and to travel by canoe. Food was another of the Indians’ important gifts. The Indians grew many foods that the newcomers had never heard of, such as avocados, corn, peanuts, peppers, pineapples, potatoes, squash, and tomatoes. They also introduced the whites to tobacco. The Indians, in turn, learned much from the whites. The Europeans brought many goods that were new to the Indians. These goods included metal tools, guns, and liquor. The Europeans also brought cattle and horses, which were unknown to the Indians. The Europeans and the Indians had widely different ways of life. Some Europeans tried to understand the Indians’ ways and treated them fairly. But others cheated the Indians and took their land. When the Indians fought back, thousands of them were killed in battle. At first, they had only bows and arrows and spears, but the Europeans had guns. Even more Indians died from measles, smallpox, and other new diseases introduced by the whites. As the Europeans moved westward across North America, they became a greater threat to the Indian way of life. Finally, most of the remaining Indians were moved onto reservations. Most daily activities of an Indian family centered on providing the main necessities of life such as food, clothing, and shelter. Men and women usually had separate tasks. For example, both men and women were often involved in providing food. But they did so in different ways. In some areas, the women gathered wild plants for food, and the men hunted. In the Northeast and Southeast culture areas, the men hunted, and the women farmed the land. In parts of what are now Arizona and New Mexico and in Middle and South America, the men did the farming. The women gathered plants. In all areas, women were generally responsible for preparing the food. Many Indians married at an early age, the girls between 13 and 15 and the boys between 15 and 20. In some Indian tribes, the parents or other relatives chose the marriage partners for the young people. In other tribes, especially those of North America, a young man could select his own mate. He had to convince the girl and her parents that he would make a suitable husband. In many cases, he offered them valuable gifts to win their approval. Throughout most of the New World, marriage was a family affair and not a religious ceremony. The boy’s family usually gave presents to the bride’s family. Many newly married couples lived with the girl’s family and the husband worked for her family until the birth of a child. Then the couple might establish their own home. But they generally did not move to a new home in a new area. Many other newly married couples joined an existing family group or lived close to one. Some of the couples moved in with other relatives of the woman or with the relatives of the man. This extended family shared with the daily work of the household, including the raising of children. Many Indian groups allowed men to have more than one wife. But this practice was common only among rich or powerful men. After a man died, his wife would often live with his brother as husband and wife even if the brother was already married. Similarly, if a woman died, her family would probably be expected to give her husband another unmarried daughter to replace her. Most Indian families were small because many children died at birth or as babies. Indian children were praised when they behaved well and shamed when they misbehaved. Only the Aztec and Inca tribes had regular schools. Boys and girls of other tribes learned to perform men’s and women’s jobs by helping their parents and older brothers and sisters. After most boys reached their early teens, they went through a test of strength or bravery called an initiation ceremony. Many went without food for a long period or lived alone in the wilderness. In some tribes, a boy was expected to have a vision of the spirit that would become his lifelong guardian. Some groups also had initiation ceremonies for girls. A teenager who successfully completed an initiation ceremony was considered an adult and ready to be married. Food that Indians ate depended on where they lived. Indian tribes that lived on the plains of the United States, where buffalo and other game were plentiful, ate mainly meat. Meat was also the principal food of those Indians who inhabited the woodlands and tundra (frigid treeless plain) of Alaska and Canada. The Pueblo of the Southwest and other farming groups lived chiefly on beans, corn, and squash. Potatoes were an important crop among the Inca. MacNeish (1992) stated that Indians in the tropical areas of South America made bread from the roots of bitter cassava, a small shrub. Tribes that lived near water caught fish and gathered shellfish. Most Indian groups ate berries, nuts, roots, seeds, and wild plants. They also gathered salt and collected maple sap wherever they could. Indians made a kind of tea from such plants as sassafras and wintergreen. Many Indians drank a mild beer that was known as chicha. They made this beer from corn, cassava, peanuts, or potatoes. Indians who ate mostly meat cooked it by roasting, broiling, or boiling. Farming Indians and others who ate chiefly vegetables developed various methods of boiling or baking. They often made pit ovens by lining holes in the ground with hot stones. Indians preserved meat by smoking it or by drying it in the sun. North American Indians mixed dried meat with grease and berries to make a food called pemmican. Most Indians ate with their fingers, but some used spoons made from animal bones, shells, or wood. Indians built many kinds of homes because they lived in different climates and had different building materials available to them (Brandt & Guzzi, 1985). Those who moved about a great deal had simple shelters they could carry easily, or they built temporary shelters. Indians who stayed in one place built larger, more permanent homes. Some groups built large houses where many families lived together. Others had simple dwellings that housed only a few people. In some cases, shelter changed with the season. Some Indians in Canada built snow houses during the winter. But in the summer, they lived in tents made of animal hides. In the United States, these Indians are sometimes called Eskimos. In other areas, the Indians covered their tepees with animal skins or with tree bark. Indians at the southern tip of South America also used skins to cover shelters called windbreaks, which were open on one side. Some tribes of the Northwest made cloth of bark and reeds, and the Pueblo wove cotton cloth. The Aztec, Inca, Maya, and some Caribbean tribes wove beautiful cotton and woolen cloth. Indians in the hot South American areas often wore no clothing at all. In many tribes, a man wore only a breechcloth, a narrow band of cloth that passed between the legs and looped over the front and rear of a belt. Women wore simple aprons or skirts. Indians in colder climates wore leggings, shirts, and robes. Some wore sandals or moccasins to protect their feet. Travel by water was the most common means of transportation. Many Indians used bark canoes, which were light and easy to carry. Some large dugout canoes carried as many as 60 people. The Plains tribes used dogs and, later, horses to pull a load-carrying frame called a travois. Andean Indians used alpacas and llamas as beasts of burden. But these animals could not carry heavy loads, so the people themselves carried most of their goods. People often supported a heavy load on their back with a pack strap called a tumpline. Indians of the Arctic and the Northwest Coast and some other areas hunted or fished for most of their food. They also hunted some birds only for the feathers, and they prized the fur of beavers and certain other animals. Indians in the West got most of their food by gathering wild seeds, nuts, and roots. Even in the Southwest and other farming areas, hunting, gathering, and fishing were important. The most important game animals of North and South America included deer; rabbits and other small game: ducks, geese, herons, seals, sea lions, whales, turtles, and snakes. Bear, buffalo, caribou, elk, and moose lived only in North America. Animals that were hunted mainly in South America included the guanaco, jaguar, peccary, rhea, and tapir. Indians hunted with the same kinds of weapons they used in war. Many bows and arrows, spears, and clubs had special features for hunting. For example, some Indians used unsharpened arrows to shoot birds in trees. These arrows stunned the birds so that they fell to the ground. The Hopi stunned small game with a kind of boomerang. The Indians caught fish with harpoons, hooks and lines, spears, and traps and nets. Tribes of the Northwest Coast also used long poles called herring rakes. These poles had jagged points and could catch a number of herring at one time. In tropical South America, Indians stood on river sand bars and shot fish with bows and arrows. Both North and South American Indians used drugs to catch fish. In one method, Indians chopped up certain plants and threw them in the water. These plants stunned the fish. Then the Indians could easily scoop them out of the water. Indians of the Northeast and the Tropical Forest used slash-and-burn farming methods. They cut down a number of trees and burned them. Then they planted their crops among the trunks. The ashes from the burned trees served as fertilizer. Indians in Mexico and the Southern United States raised turkeys. Wars occurred from time to time among the tribes of the Americas. But not all tribes took part in warfare. Many tribes opposed fighting, and others were so small that they did not have enough warriors to fight a war. Many of the Indian leaders who tried to defend their tribes and land against the white people became famous warriors. They included King Philip, a Wampanoag; Pontiac, an Ottawa; Tecumseh, a Shawnee; Osceola, a Seminole; Crazy Horse, of the Sioux; and Geronimo, an Apache. The bow and arrow was probably the most common Indian weapon throughout North and South America. Some South American tribes put poison on their arrowheads. Many Indians fought with spears and war clubs (Steele & Galdone 1992). The Indians of eastern North America developed a special type of club known as the tomahawk. A weapon of the Aztec consisted of pieces of obsidian (volcanic glass) stuck into a wooden club. South American Indians used blowguns and slings. Warfare gave Indians a chance to achieve high rank in their tribes. On the Plains, it was considered braver to touch a live enemy and get away than to kill the enemy. This act was known as counting coup â€Å"koo†. Warriors on the Plains carried a coup stick into battle and attempted to touch an enemy with it. Those warriors who counted coup wore eagle feathers as signs of their courage.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Quantitative Nursing Research Report Analysis Essay

Quantitative Nursing Research Report Analysis - Essay Example 569, Background section). The purpose of the study was to show the relationship between CTS and CTD of nursing students to nursing educators so that they may take this into account when designing course work and evaluating students. While a few studies have been done, the author wanted to add to the body of research. It was also intended to identify areas in which further research is needed. The main research questions were to discover if there is a relation between CTS and CTD, if that relation remains constant through each academic level, and if there is improvement through each academic level. The independent study variables were the four cohorts of the student sample: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. The expectation was that each group would do progressively better at CTS/CTD testing. The dependent variables are the CTST and CCTDI scores and the means of comparison used. That is, comparison of CTS to CTD and the increase or decrease of both over the course of baccalaureate study. Students as individuals were not assessed over a period of time so that scores could be compared in that manner. Instead scores were compared to different students at different levels in the baccalaureate program. Also, there was no measurement of students' level of concentration on any particular day as influenced by amount of sleep obtained, mood, or other factors that might have influenced the test scores (Heffner 2004, chap.1, section 3). Conceptual ModelTheoretical Framework This study clearly conforms to Dewey's Scientific Method using the following steps in serial order: 1. Identify the problem, 2. Determine the hypothesis, 3. Collect and analyze data, 4. Formulate conclusions, 5. Apply the conclusions to the hypothesis (Heffner, 2004, chap. 1, section 1). Review of Related Literature Related literature, as cited within the article makes the following points. Critical thinking and disposition are integral to nursing education and to the practice of nursing. This is especially important with increased technological advances and the increased complexity of skills needed to care for more acutely ill patients and the ethical issues that surround that care (Study, p. 579, para. 1). In the third paragraph of the Introduction, the author attempts to define critical thinking through various references and so define what is to be quantified in the study. Paragraph four relates the need to teach critical thinking skills to nursing students and fosters questions as to how that might be accomplished and by what means performance might be measured. Next, there is a review of past studies and a declaration of need to add to that body of evidence (Study, p. 569-570, Introduction Section,

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Expression of Cyclical-Universal Understanding Inherent in the Essay

The Expression of Cyclical-Universal Understanding Inherent in the Mlamadhyamakikrik by Ngrjuna - Essay Example The philosophers who ascribe to this position do so without having real proof: certainly in many cases it seems to be true that the same thing will always happen in identical conditions, say, a sound will always travel at the speed of sound through a certain medium. On the other hand, there are documented limitations to this understanding: in quantum mechanics, scientists can have exactly the same circumstances, and only predict a probability of results. They argue this away by indicating that there was probably something different in the circumstances that cannot be effectively observed, but the bottom line is that this philosophy inherently rests on an unproven assumption, without which it cannot stand. It is thus always interesting to analyze the fundamental premises on which a major work of thought is based. Nagarjuna’s Mulamadhyamakikarik, the foundational text of â€Å"Middle Way† Buddhism, demonstrates all the hallmarks of the best Buddhist thinking: a unique com bination of logic and spirituality, a peace with subjectivity and so on. But it, like every work of philosophy, rests on an un-provable premise, without which its arguments largely fail. IN the case of Mulamadhyamakikarik, one such fundamental premise is that the universe is cyclical in nature. ... If a thing is non-existent, how could it have a condition? / if a thing is already existent, what would a condition do?† (Nagarjuna 1.6). This is essentially a play on the idea of conditional existence: obviously everything has a conditional existence (a bird would not exist if its mother did not lay an egg, for instance), and yet that conditional existence implies the possibility of the non-existence of the thing, which obviously cannot be, because the thing is. Similarly, the condition of a non-extant thing’s existence is obviously of no importance, as the thing does not exist. He then uses this comfort in comparing the conditionality of existent and non-existent things to describe how the conditionality of existence essentially negates a thing having its own essence, separate from another thing – so everything can exist, but everything that exists is essentially the same (Nagarjuna). This philosophy thus earns the name â€Å"The Middle Way† because it fo rges a practical middle road between the two extremes of Buddhist thought: that everything exists, or that nothing does. Nagarjuna’s argument that nothing has its own separate, distinct essence serves as the central argument of this work. But this essential argument rests fundamentally on the idea of a cyclical universe, something inherent to all Buddhist thinking. Nagarjuna expresses this Buddhist idea of the infinity in the opening lines of his text: â€Å"Neither from itself, nor from another, / Nor from both, / nor without a cause, / does anything whatever, anywhere arise† (Nagarjuna 1.1). This demonstrates the idea of the infinite being a circle, as opposed to an expanse as imagined in Western thought. That is, obviously things are – or at

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Fifth Hour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fifth Hour - Essay Example kers through some of the huge strides that people have made throughout the world in an attempt to ensure equity for all irrespective of racial origin. In like manner, I admired how contributors across diverse races aired their opinion with boldness and charisma. The event was beneficial to me in several ways as I learned that for a state or a nation to succeed, its occupants must tolerate the diverse cultures that exist within it. For that is what brings the difference between successful and failed states (Munin 188). Moreover, I learnt that racial understanding is of great significance in the current job market as various organizations always open their doors in different nations in an attempt to explore international markets. Over and above, the event made me learn that cohesive existence with our brothers and sisters of unlike originality is beneficial in our development through life, as they play a role in bringing the best out of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Information Technology Enhanced Management of Schools Dissertation

Information Technology Enhanced Management of Schools - Dissertation Example What is necessary to overcome the aforementioned obstacle may be roundtable discussions at many of the nation’s schools, where committee members meet to identify and discuss the issues at hand. Among things to consider is what is and what is not doable at the hands of a particular school, a definition of what it means to be productive in an academic sense, and a definition of how information technology may enhance that definition (Massy and Zemsky, 2008). â€Å"First, the demand for IT-based teaching and learning programs will grow substantially, probably exponentially, over the next decade. In an economy that is itself increasingly knowledge-based, the new information technologies offer an economical means of providing the continuous education the U.S. now requires as well as a more readily accessible form of post-secondary education and credentialing. Second, IT will change teaching and learning profoundly, no matter what the response of traditional higher education institutions. Just as the development of the printing press forever changed the teaching enterprise, IT represents a fundamental change in the basic technology of teaching and learning† (Massy and Zemsky, 2008, pg. 1). Information technology itself offers a large amount of potential, but it requires a fundamental shift in the way institutions operate. It is essential, then, that those who wish to implement information technology within an institution understand what changes must take place on levels that are practical to that institution. The first step is to take a look at the pros and cons of the integration of information technology into a school, including both administrative and teaching processes. Then, any barriers the school may face when integrating that technology must be considered on both an internal and external level (Massy and Zemsky, 2008; Armstrong, 2007; and Estabrooks, 1995). Schools across the nation are encountering many difficulties when they attempt to adopt a variety of new technologies. First of all, should information technology comprise the primary means of teaching students in today's elementary schools Second, should entire school systems be technologically enhanced Third, how is all of this going to be paid for (Kumpulainen and Wray, 2002 and Olson, Malone,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Apple Inc. AAPL Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Apple Inc. AAPL - Research Paper Example These are supplemented by software platforms like the OS X and iOS operating systems. Te products produced by Apple also vary over a wide range of other products. In this analysis of Apple Inc, this paper will focus on its price history and ratio analysis, which will help in determining its profitability and competitiveness in the market. The competitive position built by Apple Inc is one based on reading the market and understanding what the customer needs in regards to technology. This can be seen from the change in product lines that the company has been going through since its inception. With the advent of computers and the market for personal computers, the company started producing the Macintosh that helped take over the computer market. This changed to the production of laptops in response to the market, and currently, the company is at the forefront in producing mobile phones. The main competitor to the company’s iphone is the threat of competition from Android based phones and applications. An analysis of Apple Inc’s financial history in the last twelve months reveals that the company has had its best performance to date. In august, the stock touched a record high of $665 per share, an indicator of the market conditions that favor the company. However, the bullish market caused the stock to plummet from the august and September highs to another low, but with the regaining market, the company is expected to bounce

Monday, September 23, 2019

Probation Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Probation Process - Essay Example Presentencing Investigation report is a core source of information used by judges when sentencing. It provides information on personal history as well as criminal conduct of the defendant. This ensures that judges give individualized sentence. Moreover, the report contains information such as the age of defendant, which helps the judge decide on the appropriate sentence. Furthermore, the report helps the judge to decide if the defendant should serve jail term and the appropriate kind of correction facility to send the defendant (Clear, Cole, & Reisig, 2008). The factors considered in the report include the prior criminal convictions, account of the offense, work history as well vocational information of the defendant, marital and financial status of defendant, educational background, defendant and victim’s statements, sentencing guidelines and sentencing recommendations. Additional factors considered include the medical, psychiatric, or psychological history of the defendant and the explanation of harm suffered by victim. Another factor considered in the report is the defendant’s probable adjustment in community (Clear, Cole, & Reisig,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Approaches for Improving Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Planning Research Paper

Approaches for Improving Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Planning Processes and Procedures in a System - Research Paper Example The paper primarily focuses on planning processes and procedures in a system-based framework. Emergencies often occur because of lack of proper systems or failure of the existing systems to limit, control and prevent the circumstances that trigger incidences that cause disasters. Emergencies are common in any given area: in schools, churches, towns, offices and roads. One of the characteristics of emergencies is that they are not predictable; they hit any time when people are not expecting them. This unpredictability character has forced the stakeholders of areas prone to emergencies and disasters to prepare mitigation mechanisms that they can apply to limit the adversities associated with unforeseen circumstances. The purpose of this research paper is to help people to understand the critical aspects of disaster preparedness and emergency mitigation measures. Emergencies that organizations and people predict and prepare for in advance have lesser adversities than those that are unpr epared for or in terms of planning. It is crucial for the citizens to understand the processes and procedures for mitigating disasters and emergencies in their environments. ... A disaster results in significant physical damage, destruction, loss of life and drastic change in ecosystems (Arthur, 2007). Disasters are tragic events arising from undesirable events such as catastrophic accidents, explosions, earthquakes, fires, and floods. An emergency constitutes a situation that poses an immediate danger to property, health, environment, and life (Karagiannis, Piatyszek & Flaus, 2013). Emergencies require urgent intervention to act as countermeasures for preventing the worsening of the risk. Emergency preparedness is a long-term program involving activities whose aims are to strengthen the capacity and capability of a community to manage efficiently all types of emergencies and ensure an orderly transition from relief through recovery and sustainable development. Most countries have set government emergency services to respond to emergencies; these agencies are responsible for planning and managing emergencies. Emergencies and disasters can cause both mild and devastating damage. The preparedness and planning for these disasters and emergencies is of paramount necessity at all times. A system-based framework is a structure of operation where several independent units are interrelated to work together towards achievement of a common goal. A system-based framework is characterized by environment, feedback, boundaries, controls, inputs and outputs (Sommer & Nja, 2012). Disaster and emergency preparedness approaches are necessary in a system-based framework to a countermeasure the adversities of the risks. Statement of the Problem Major emergencies and disasters do not respect national borders and never occur at convenient times. The intensity of human suffering caused by these events are huge, and affect many aspects of people’s lives such as

Saturday, September 21, 2019

To determine the concentration Essay Example for Free

To determine the concentration Essay To determine the concentration of unknown standard sodium hydroxide solution and the enthalpy change of neutralization between different pairs of acid-base used (Thermometric titration) Principle of method: Neutralization is the reaction between an acid and a base, which is an exothermic reaction. In this experiment, two methods are used to determine the concentration of sodium hydroxide solution and the enthalpy change of neutralization. H+(aq) + OH-(aq) H2O(l) Method 1 is to measure the temperature change of the reaction mixture when different definite ratio of acid and base are reacted. There are totally 7 ratios. For each ratio, the initial temperature of acid and base is recorded. When they are mixed, the final temperature of the mixture is recorded so that: Let Va, Vb, Ta, Tb, T be the volume of acid, volume of base, initial temperature of acid, initial temperature of base and final temperature of mixture if they are not reacted (which is actually the initial temperature of mixture before reaction) respectively. Thus, Final temperature of the mixture after reacted T = Temperature change due to reaction. Method 2 is to measure the temperature of the reaction mixture when each small portion of acid are added to a fixed amount of base solution with using titration of acid against base. For both of the method, different pairs of acid and base are used and compared. To find the concentration of sodium hydroxide solution, the volume ratio of acid to base which makes the maximum temperature change(which means the reaction is most complete) should be found out and so: (Since the basicity of both acid and base is 1) By conservation of energy, the enthalpy change of neutralization = heat change of solution The density and specific heat capacity of solution are assumed to be equal to those of water since the differences between them are negligible. Results: Method 1 Using nitric acid: (A graph is attached at page 6) Volume of HNO3(aq) (cThis result was acceptable since it was consistent and close to the actual value. The enthalpy change of neutralization using nitric acid was found to be -47. 65kJ and -51. 48kJ respectively by method 12. The enthalpy change of neutralization using ethanoic acid was found to be -48. 24kJ and -61. 11kJ respectively by method 12. The enthalpy of neutralization found out in this experiment was not reliable because the result was not consistent for method 12 and there were great errors in the experiment. The most significant evidence that shows the result was not reliable was that theoretically, the enthalpy change of neutralization between ethanoic acid and sodium hydroxide should never be higher than that between nitric acid and sodium hydroxide. This is because nitric acid is a strong acid while ethanoic acid is just a weak acid that it only slightly ionized in water. Therefore extra energy was needed to ionize the ethanoic acid molecules so that the enthalpy change of neutralization of ethanoic acid should be less negative than that of nitric acid. However the result of this experiment contradicted with the above statement, so that the results of this experiment were not reliable. The most significant error in this experiment was heat loss to surrounding. Although foam cup was already used in the experiment, the upper surface of solution also produced great heat loss to the atmosphere. Also, there may still be heat loss through the cup. This error was more significant in method 2 since a period of time was used to titrate the solution. During the time of titration, a lot of heat can be transferred to the air and thus the recorded temperature would be decreased. As a result, the calculated enthalpy change of neutralization would be lower than the actual one. To reduce this error, a Styrofoam cup instead of a polystyrene cup can be used since Styrofoam is a better insular of heat than polystyrene. Some cotton wool can be used to wrap the cup in order to further reduce the heat loss to surrounding. Also, a lid can be used to cover the upper mouth of the cup in order to reduce the heat loss to surrounding. However, the lid should allow the thermometer to stir the solution and also allow the burette to add acids into it in method 2. Obviously, the titration in method 2 must be carried out quickly in order to minimize the time for the heat to be lost from surrounding, and thus reduce the above error. The second error was the fluctuation of room temperature. In method 1, the initial temperature measured and the temperature of the solution just before reaction might be different. This was because of the change in room temperature since it would affect the temperature of solution by thermo equilibrium. In method 2, the room temperature before the titration and during the titration might be different. This would lead to an error on the measurement of temperature as the same case in method 1. To reduce this error, a more constant temperature in the laboratory can be constructed by an air-conditioner. This can reduce the error brought from the fluctuation of room temperature. In the experiment, method 1 is more suitable to determine the enthalpy change of neutralization since the temperature was measured just after the reaction in method 1 but the temperature was measured for several times in method 2 and this lead to error in the measure of temperature. However, method 2 is more suitable to determine the concentration of sodium hydroxide solution since the number of times of measuring the temperature of solution was much more than that in method 1. Then the peak of the graph can be found out more accurately. Thus the volume of acid used with the highest temperature change can be more accurate. Based on the results of this experiment, the enthalpy change of neutralization was more negative with weaker acids, having same base. However, this statement was obviously wrong since in weaker acids, some energy was used to ionize the acid molecules. Theoretically, the enthalpy change of neutralization should be more negative with stronger acids. This was not shown on the results in this experiment since the error was too large. Conclusion: The concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution was successively found out and it was acceptable, but the enthalpy of neutralization found out was not reliable since it was not consistent and it contradicted to the theoretical values. On the whole, the results was not acceptable and so the objective of this experiment was not fulfilled. Reference: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Styrofoam http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/polystyrene.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Online And Traditional Classroom Learning

Online And Traditional Classroom Learning Over the past decade, researchers have demonstrated that technology can be a useful and effective tool to administer education. Although, nothing can take the place of the teacher in terms of developing students education, online education is making their way into classrooms and homes now. The teachers are not the only ones who can open the door to education for students whereas the computer plays an additional role in helping students education technologically as a useful tool. Although you cant get the direct interaction; online learning provides convenient learning. (Shoeman-Jones 2009) With the economic conditions changing people are opting to go online. More people are working and going to school which will make them competitive and give the working man options about his education. However, online learning can be effective for students if its used wisely. The main focus of online is convenience but it can also be an alternative to get outside beyond the walls and connect to soci ety rather than sitting in a classroom. Computers are used for just about everything but can it really replace the classroom? In fact, education and technology, if we understand it in its broadest sense, is changing everyday in every way. Therefore students have several different options that can best suit their needs. Researchers agree that Technology is so advanced and sophisticated but can it really take the place of the teacher who can motivate, organize and manage the whole class by creating the pleasant aura of active teaching and learning process, but many have drawn quite different conclusions in addressing the following questions: 1. What are the advantages of a classroom setting? Classroom Vs Online 3 2. What are the disadvantages of a classroom setting? 3. Can Online Education be just as effective as the classroom? 4. What are the implications of Online Learning? This review of Teacher Vs Online focuses on these four questions. What are the Advantages of a Classroom Setting? In an influential article, Neobrain, Wright, and Cleaver (2009) argued that everyone need a person who can both understand their needs, their weak points and strong points and also know the most effective and suitable methods for the students to make them realize themselves what they are going to do is right or wrong. For the students in the classroom, computers are amazingly useful machines that, in almost no time, can perform sophisticated operations and solve difficult questions, which even the teacher, let alone students, cannot do. With that said the teacher can know who is following his teaching and who is not and give relevant examples during his teaching to keep the class interested in the subject he is explaining. Another advantage of classroom learning is that the teacher can give students the real essence of education by nourishing students hearts and opening students minds during the classroom teaching. Also, students have the advantage of having face-to-face interaction with the teacher which enhances their classroom experience. (Wonacott 2002) Teachers feel that they can assess their students better through weekly interaction in the classroom. In classrooms with a smaller teacher-to-student ratio, students can even get more direct assistance. Because there is real time interaction and students and their instructor speak instead of typing, more ground can be covered in less time. An instructor or student can point to a page in their text. The instructor can write Classroom Vs Online 4 information down on a white board. Students can discuss information with each other, and because they are speaking in person, there is less chance that one of them will be misunderstood. One thing that is affected by the Online Learning is the social interaction. (Anderson 2007) Social Interaction is important because traditional classroom teaching also provides students with the opportunity to have real social interaction with one another. This interaction in turn allows for the students to help one another in terms of academics or in terms of personal issues. Good learningis collaborative and social, not competitive and isolated (Fulford, 6). When students sit in chairs next to each other they learn from each others mistakes and learn social interaction skills. Also, traditional schools offer sports, recreation, student clubs and organizations, and other activities that allow you to form friendships and social networks. Good social interaction is a key part of living well. Study after study shows that good friendships, family relationships and health as the most important things to have in order to be happy and fulfilled. In this sense, again the computers performa nce is nothing compared to the traditional classroom. What are the Disadvantages of a classroom setting? In a traditional classroom environment, there are usually anywhere from twenty to thirty children and one teacher. In some cases, that teacher might have a teachers aid or an assistant teacher. This is where the disadvantage starts- it is simply impossible for one person to give each student the one-on-one attention or instruction that may be required. In a classroom of twenty to thirty students, there are going to be several students with differing learning styles and academic strengths and weaknesses. (Alavi Gallupe 2003) Classroom Vs Online 5 Which brings to light the next disadvantage of a traditional classroom. In a traditional classroom environment, its not uncommon for students to become bored or frustrated. Some students learn better by visual means, others will learn better with auditory means, and still others are going to learn better with a hands-on approach. It is virtually impossible for a single teacher to accommodate all methods of learning when he or she is responsible for teaching a large number of students. Thus, children who do not fall into the traditional learning method category are far more likely to fall through the cracks, become bored or discouraged, or to display behavior problems in the classroom. (Shoeman-Jones 2009) The traditional classroom environment works well for a large number of students, but there are many others who simply have difficulty learning in this environment, have difficulty interacting with peers, or who require more one-on-one attention and time to grasp certain concepts. In traditional classrooms, lecture is the main form of learning. One characteristic of traditional learning is: The student is forced to be in the same time day in and day out. With the economic changes we are facing in todays age and tuition cost rising, students are working. The career fields are more competitive and people are not alone seeking employees with an education but also experience. So with that said, students are seeking alternative options for acquiring an education so they can remain competitive in todays job market. Sitting in a classroom is not an ideal setting for some students. Being able to pace and not have strict time constraints on assignments can be beneficial. Some students have odd working hours and dont have the time to get to class on time and that can cause stress mentally and physically. Also, students have Classroom Vs Online 6 finally found themselves able to help themselves and get self-educated even long after finishing the class. (Shoeman-Jones 2009) Perhaps this may be the most significant fact that makes the difference between the teacher and the machine. You can cover more material and ground at your own pace and complete the class early. On the other hand, Classroom learning does have its disadvantage especially competing with convenience. Can online education be just as effective as the classroom? With so many advancements with the internet you have many options for online learning. From websites that exists to help elementary students prepare for statewide tests, to middle and high schools having the opportunity to take classes online and complete make up work. The internet has certainly made learning convenient and a much simpler process. Giving students flexibility in learning may push someone that may otherwise decide not to finish high school or even enroll in college into completing to a different decision. Also most students work either full or part time therefore having the option to take classes online is a great advantage for them. Education is now one of the many opportunities available for consumers on the Internet. The online student population is expanding by 30 percent a year, with over 75 percent of traditional colleges and universities getting into the market, according to experts. With the Internet, distance degrees have become a viable and valuable option fo r the individual who may not be able to enroll full-time in a traditional brick-and-mortar institution. (Neal) What is online education? Who can take online classes? Is an online degree the same as a degree from a college that you take on campus? These are some questions that you may want to know the answers to before deciding to enroll in online classes. According to, online education can be Classroom Vs Online 7 defined as an approach to teaching and learning that utilizes Internet technologies to communicate and collaborate in an educational context. This includes technology that supplements traditional classroom training with web-based components and learning environments where the educational process is experienced online. Anyone with access to the internet can take classes online. Whether you obtained your degree online or on a campus your degree is treated the same as long as the institution is accredited. Colleges offering online or blended classes have online learning tools that you take your classes at and participate in discussions. At Florida State Community College they use a platform called Blackboard. On Blackboard you can also view your grades and email other classmates, teachers also use this site to post messages to the students. You can also take exams and quizzes on blackboard. Unless there is scheduled maintenance Blackboard is accessible twenty-four hours per day, seven d ays per week. This is convenient for the students, and makes life much easier. Since September 11, 2001, the number of overseas inquires about online learning has jumped 40 percent. (Neal) There are many advantages and disadvantages that students take into consideration before enrolling in online classes. One of the best advantages to online classes is flexibility. Online classes do not require you to commute. In some cases, students travel from more than one campus. Most students like that they can make their own schedule, choosing to take your classes during the day or even in the middle of the night. When taking online classes you dont have to sacrifice a lot of your free time, especially when you can do work any time day or night. Classroom Vs Online 8 Students really dont have to leave the comfort of their own home, not to mention time saved on traveling to class and the amount of money saved on gas. You dont have to worry about what youre going to wear to school. Some students dread participating in class, they may not be scared to speak to others but sometimes having all eyes on you may make your uncomfortable. Participating with online discussion gives you a voice that may have otherwise have never been heard. Moving away from shyness and also giving you a better participation grade. If youre not a good note taker, dont worry, most of the lectures are already written out for you and you can go back and look at it anytime that you would like. If you have small children you can care for them and take your classes without having to send them off to daycare. Weve seen the commercials on television all the time, mostly of students in their pajamas and imagine that it could be us. Not having to go into a classroom and listen to a lon g lecture that you may think is so boring can otherwise be seen online and you dont have to worry about dosing off. Some students may have otherwise recorded the lectures in order to listen to again at a later time, now they can go back to it on the schools learning tool. Being able to complete assignments at home without any distractions from other classmates is also an advantage, especially for those who have a short attention span. Another advantage of online learning is the accessibility of learning materials. No matter your program of study you will more than likely able to find classes pertaining to your degree. Being able to control the timeframe in which you obtain your degree is another advantage, most colleges offer accelerated degree programs. Even though you may be earning your degree faster than most does not mean the task will not be difficult, you have to be dedicated in obtaining your degree or you may fail. You can also work on more the one degree Classroom Vs Online 9 program at a time. Make sure that you have a laptop so that anytime you have free time you can pick it up and get to work. Another advantage is that in some online classes most tests and quizzes are given online giving you the opportunity to use your textbooks. Even if the tests are timed you are more likely to score higher if you have the information in front of you to pass the test or quiz. If you have good time management skills and do not find yourself procrastinating often then online learning may be a good option for you. What are the disadvantages of Online Learning? There are many disadvantages as well to online learning. One disadvantage that students complain about is face to face interaction with other students and the teachers. One of the most common disadvantages that students have is the lack of supervision which leads to procrastination. Some students need constant motivation from teachers and students in order to succeed, so if you are not able to work on your own you shouldnt consider online classes. Even though you can wake up in the middle of the night to complete a paper at the last minute you find yourself doing it more often due to the lack of supervision. Usually students with poor study habits fail at online learning. Self-Pace is a lot of hard work and dedication. Usually online classes require you to read more and complete more assignments versus traditional classroom whereas you would take notes. Another disadvantage is that most online classes usually cost more than the classes taken on campus. With the rising cost of tuition and books, online fees are not far behind and doubling every year. Be sure to check with your college of choice when making this decision. Even though you may be saving with travel expenses you need to make sure that you are not paying so much more for your classes that saving on the traveling is not a Classroom Vs Online 10 big difference. If youre only reason to take online classes is to save money on traveling you may want to check on the cost of your online course first before making your decision. You also have to be very computer savvy or succeeding with an online course will be nearly impossible for students. With most online courses you are on the internet most of the time so you may want to make sure you are very familiar with the internet before starting an online class. To develop your computer skills to take online classes, you can take a computer course on most college campuses, and this should be done before signing up for online classes if you think you need better computer skills. Some online credits may also not be transferable so you may want to make sure that you check with your advisor before trying to transfer any credits. Not every school in the nation has migrated to virtual world completely. Make sure that you also that you find a fully accredited program. Conclusion Taking the advantages and disadvantages into consideration will make your decision easier when considering your education. Whatever path you decide to go be sure to weigh all of your options, and do what is best for you and not what others may think is best for you. We all have different learning styles so what may be the best option for me may not be the best option for you. Many have earned their degrees online or through blended classes and their degrees is just as good as the person who earned it in a traditional classroom environment. Just be very careful in choosing am program that is accredited or the classes youve taken could not only be a waste of time but also money. When it comes to education, there simply is no one size fits all answer. The teacher has got a unique human brain that can perform teaching in a way that the Classroom Vs Online 11 computer, a mere artificial brain, cannot do. Well when it comes down to it, traditional classroom will always win, you cannot put value on the long time study of a profession thats proven to be effective but if youre willing to step outside box consider taking at least one class online, just to see if its right for you. Remember you have to fail sometimes in order to succeed. Classroom Vs Online 12

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Matrix :: essays research papers

The Matrix, The â€Å"Western† Never Known   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As stated by the title, there is great reason why the Matrix should be treated in the same context, although not identified, as a western. This film genre is steeped in tradition and lore. There are many definitions abound as to what may constitute a â€Å"Western film.† The main goal is to see whether or not this paper can illustrate the genre be pushed towards the future. Whether it means the 20th century, the 21st century or the distant future. This genre can grow towards something bigger and more exciting. This paper will attempt to explore this debate and give reasoning’s as to what defines a Western, how the Matrix lives up to and modifies the stated definition, will go into the films background such as director, producer, film reviews, etc. Finally the paper will discuss the theme, tone, setting, characters and casting, acting style, lighting, imagery, musical score, and special effects.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Defining a film genre is in some ways difficult and simplistic. Every genre has stated what would define its boundaries. The difficult part is finding one that is solidified by the movies in the genre. The stated definition that this paper will digest and regurgitate is that a Western is a film which is set in the American frontier west. The typical time setting is somewhere in the mid to late 19th century and early 20th century(Dirks, 1). They glorify the past-fading values and aspirations of the mythical by-gone age of the American West(Dirks, 1). Over time, however, Westerns have been redefined, re-invented and expanded, dismissed, re-discovered, and spoofed. This actually makes the definition more lucid, making other films flexible enough to fit quite nicely into the genre.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Westerns also state that these films represent the ideals of a growing nation. Expanding and maintaining established territories is what is at the heart of older Western films as â€Å"Manifest Destiny† puts up in dialogue constantly. This particular fact is a main point which will be revisited. Dominating the unknown and uprooting natives or peoples who have been established long before the conquerors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many central conflicts in old westerns. The battle between good and evil is the most common. Others include man vs. man, east vs. west, human vs. nature, or in the Matrix’s case, man vs. machine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Does the Matrix live up to these ideals of a Western? Yes, in more ways than one.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

the fall of rome :: essays research papers

The Fall of Rome   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Did the Roman Empire deserve to Fall? No, The achievements of the Roman Empire were unmatched at its time. Many things it accomplished are ideas and ways of life that did not become widespread until after its fall. The Roman Empire would have made the advancement of people in Europe much faster.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Roman Empire was the most modern ancient empire. It made many advancements in the arts and sciences. It had many great poets, philosophers, artists, and engineers. The Romans encouraged learning and supported any who endeavored to make discoveries or technological improvement. If the Roman Empire had not fallen, the world, from a scientific stand point would be very different today. The Roman Empire would have made discoveries and scientific advancements before the Dark Ages. During the Dark Ages no scientific studies or appreciation of the arts took place. For almost an entire millennium humans made no advancements. The barbarians, who destroyed Rome, destroyed it to take its wealth not its knowledge. The knowledge that was lost was not resurrected until the Renaissance. Technological improvement was at a standstill. If the Roman empire had lasted, Europe would not have fallen into that dark period. Rome would have kept modernizing. Today, we could be at a te chnological level we may not reach for many years. The Romans made advancements in the field of medicine. Today we could have had cures for many diseases had the empire not fallen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Roman empire was a democracy. It was one of the first of its kind. It could have stood as a model for all the kingdoms and monarchies across the world. Human rights were existent at Rome hundreds of years before any other place around the world. The Roman people were represented in their government and had power. Many people around the world who were persecuted under dictators and monarchies could have looked at Rome as an example of what a better form of government is. It took the rest of the world more than another millennia to form another democracy. The Roman Government had three parts. These three parts used a system of checks and balances just as a modern democracy does today. The first government to adopt this system since Rome was England, when it adopted its two houses of parliament. After the fall of Rome, anarchy took place in the parts of Europe that it occupied.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Medical Testing On Animals :: essays research papers

Animals have been used in medical research for centuries. Most of the animals used for research are rodents - rats, mice, hamsters and gerbils. Some dogs, cats and a variety of goats, ferrets, pigeons, monkeys and rabbits are also used .The struggle against this tyranny is a struggle as important as any of the moral and social issues that have been fought over in recent years. Animal rights are an emotional issue-second only, perhaps, to the bitter abortion debate." For decades the value of animal research has been grossly overrated. Although researchers have depended on animal test data to achieve medical advances, there should be other means of research because testing on animals is cruel, inhumane, and often unnecessary. The American Medical Association believes that research involving animals is absolutely essential to maintaining and improving the health human beings. They point out, that virtually every advance in medical science in the 20th century, from antibiotics to organ transplants, has been achieved either directly or indirectly through the use of animals in laboratory experiments. They also emphasize that animal research holds the key for solutions to AIDS, cancer, heart disease, aging and congenital defects. Lastly they insist that, the result of these experiments has been the elimination or control of many infectious diseases. This has meant a longer, healthier, better life with much less pain and suffering for humans. For many patients, it has meant life it self.However, there should be other means of research because the whole process of animal research remains cruel and inhumane. Animal rights activists have gathered a large amount of information that has closed down many laboratories that violate anti-cruelty statutes. In the past, research labs have had to be subsequently suspended due to animal cruelty. Reports involving horrifyingly painful experiments on monkeys and the filthy laboratories the animals must live in. Animals limited to living in tiny metal cages in which they can barely move. From the capture of primates in the wild, to the "factory-like" breeding of mice and dogs, to the confinement and isolation of cages - research is inherently cruel.Animal research is often unnecessary, history has shown that many important medical advances have been made by clinical research and close observations of human patients, not animals. There are countries that don't use healthy animals to train veterinarians or teach surgical techniques. In England they use only sick or injured animals and do most of their work on animal cadavers.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Celia Behind Me Essay

Bulling has become a bigger and bigger problem and there is not much to do about it, especially when you know you are the next in line for being bullied. What would you do for not ending there? This short story, Celia Behind Me, deals with the problems of the youth. What it’s like trying to be accepted by your friends and classmates. How there is one to be teased. And how innocent-looking children sometimes act desperately towards a person standing in their way of being accepted into the best clique of the school. Also discussed in this story, is the parent’s role in the upbringing of child. How should parents react, when being told that their child has done something completely wrong? The short story is written in the 1st person seen from Elizabeth’s point of view with access to her thoughts and feelings. Elizabeth is the only one that we have access to. The story is written in the past tense as if Elizabeth has grown up and is telling a story from her childhood. The story is written in a chronological line with no flashbacks. We are starting with a small presentation of Celia and how Elizabeth and the other girls feel about her. We are getting strong feelings of dislike of her and that she is an annoying girl who always running behind the others. The themes in the short story are being the next in line and group pressure. In the text, it is Elizabeth that is the next in line to be bullied, and if she doesn’t harass Celia then she will be the victim. Elizabeth is afraid of being left behind What if they always ran ahead and left us to walk together? and she knows that she is the next obvious victim of the others harassment. Elizabeth is also a bit chubby and wears classes, so if Celia ever stops being the victim – they would go after her. So Elizabeth does everything to keep up with the others. Elizabeth is the one who teases Celia the most just to show the others that she doesn’t like her at all. Elizabeth behaves the way she does because she always has to remind the others that she is a part of their group. She is pressured by the group to do what they want her to do, or she will be the one who will be harassed. Some symbols are used in the title. In the story we are told that Celia is running behind the girls on the way home, always a step behind and not accepted. And when Elizabeth is telling the others to stop throwing snowballs at Celia she is misunderstanding for kindness and is trailing after her even more. But the title could also imply that Celia is behind Elizabeth as if she is â€Å"having her back†. Celia is the only reason that Elizabeth isn’t the one who is being harassed and if Celia was a â€Å"normal† girl Elizabeth would be the victim. This story is about many aspects of puberty, problems at school, problems with parents, problems with acceptance. It’s so important for a young kid to be accepted by the people surrounding you. When you see a child constantly being teased, it’s hard not to feel compassion with him/her. Some feel that they have to try to protect this person from being teased. It’s quite obvious in this story, where Elizabeth has an ambiguous mind. In one way she feels obliged to protect Celia, but she also feels this hatred towards her, because she’s always just behind her. She can’t get rid of her. Elizabeth feels split between her own thoughts and the thoughts her parents try to put into her head. In the end of the story Elizabeth is so mad and frustrated by Celia and about how the others are running ahead when she is brushing the snow off her schoolbag. And again Elizabeth is left back with Celia who starts crying and is getting scared. All the other girls are standing on the bridge calling her â€Å"Sucky† and shouting that she has to take care of Celia. Elizabeth gets so angry that she starts yelling all kinds of bad things at Celia and she even starts shaking Celia and banging her head against the cold metal in the tunnel. Elizabeth’s parents are clearly in favour of physical punishment and they both spank Elizabeth to punish her, but also to get out with their aggression about the terrible event that their daughter has made. The mother also says â€Å"I’ll never be able to lift my head on this street again!† (P.5, l.159) It is clear that the mother thinks a lot about what all the others on the street will now think and it is clear that she is very shocked. And it seems like they are more upset about what happened than they will find out why it happened. At the of the story end Celia dies. Elizabeth has never forgiven Celia for making her a victim of the classmates’ victimization. Elizabeth was seen together with Celia and because of that the classmates start bullying her again.

Unit 48 P3

P3– Produce an Action plan for self- development and achievement of own personal goals Short-term goals Goals| How I will achieve these goals? | How long I think this will take to achieve? | Pass AS Level PE. | Do a large amount of revision and get the course work handed in by the end of term. | 2 weeks (course work)3 months (exam)| Pass AS Level Sociology. | Do revision and learn the key sociologists for each topic. | 3 months (exams)| Pass the 3 units of BTEC Level 3 Health and Social care. | Create a timetable and make deadlines for myself to get my work. | 3-4 months (coursework)| Pass my driving test. Get my coursework finished and save money to pay for lessons. | 4 months – 1 year (theory and driving test)4 months (provisional license) | Get a part time job. | Apply online for jobs and look at job vacancy boards in shopping precincts. | Waiting for a response. | Long-term goals Goals| How I will achieve this? | How long I think this will take to achieve? | Pass AS and A2. | Do a lot of studying and revision for exams. | 1 year and 3 months (exams and course work)| Get into university. | Concentrate on coursework during AS and A2 and apply for a number of universities. 2 years (depending on my grades at A-Level)| Get a degree in sport science. | Go to lectures and get work done on time. | 3-4 years (to complete Sixth form and go to university)| Get a decent paid job after university. | Graduate from university and apply for jobs such as PE teacher, Handball coach. | 4-5 years (to complete Sixth form, university and 1 year of work experience) | Have a nice house. | Save up a large amount of money and buy or rent a house or flat. | 10 years (to complete Sixth form, university, 1 year of work experience and get a job in teaching/coaching)|

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Effect of Different Levels of Radiation in Growth of Plants Essay

Abstraction The consequence of different degrees of radiation was determined utilizing four set-ups-10kR. 30kR. 50 krypton. and the control ( no radiation ) . The four set-ups were observed for nine hebdomads and growing ( in centimeter ) . sprouting. and survival rate was measured. Consequences showed that at the right degree of radiation degree ( 10 krypton ) . radiation have a positive consequence on the works growing and has the same sprouting and survival rate from the control set up. The 30 krypton set up and 50 krypton set up are comparatively smaller in growing than the control set up. Therefore. increasing the radiation degree above 10 Krs maize inhibits its growing in footings of tallness and decreases the per centum sprouting ofcorn ( Zea mays L. ) but with right sum of radiation at 10 Kr radiation has a positive effects in footings of growing. Introduction Harmonizing to ( Mendioro. Laude. Barrion. Diaz. Mendoza. & A ; Ramirez. 2010 ) . Mutants are alterations in the familial stuff that are heritable and basically lasting. Mutants either may be self-generated. or induced by physical or chemical agents. Ionizing radiation such as X raies. protons. neutrons and alpha. beta. and gamma beams from radioactive beginnings like Ra and cobalt-90. X raies and other ionising radiation is one of the common mutagenic agents that break DNA strand which produce chromosome interruptions instead than base alterations ( Ramirerz. Mendioro. & A ; Laude. 2010 ) . Ionizing radiation can perforate tissues and undergo ionisation organizing ions. These ions undergo chemical reactions to hold a stable chemical constellation. While making these. ions produce interruptions in chromosomes. ( DNA ) which induce mutant ( Das. 2006 ) . The biological consequence of ionising radiation depends chiefly on the sum of energy absorbed by the biological system of which. of class. the chromosomes are the most mark ( Harten. 1998 ) . However harmonizing to Wort ( 1941 ) as cited by ( Sax. 1955 ) wheat seeds irradiated with low doses of X beams produced larger workss than the control. The survey aimed to find the consequence of different degrees of radiation on works growing in maize ( Zea mays L. ) . The specific aims were: 1. To detect the effects of different degrees of radiation on works growing in Termess of tallness. sprouting. and survivability. and 2. To explicate the observe effects of radiation in maize ( Zea mays L. ) to its growing. MATERIALS AND METHODS To measure the consequence of different degrees of radiation in works growing of maize. maize seeds were irradiated at changing doses: 10 krypton. 30 krypton. and 50 krypton. These irradiated seeds were at the same clip and the same topographic point including the control set-up. For nine hebdomads. the information for works growing ( centimeter ) . sprouting rate ( % ) . survivability rate ( % ) were collected and tabulated. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION As seen in Table 1. consequences show that the the set-up that was irradiated with 30 kryptons and 50 krypton ended the lowest per centum sprouting while the set-up that was irradiated with 10 krypton was the same with the control based on per centum sprouting which is 100 % . At the first day of the month of observation. the lowest in mean tallness is the set-up that was irradiated with 50 kryptons. With the same day of the month and topographic point of seting. you can reason that radiation has an consequence to the works growing. sprouting. and endurance of the works. You can see at the Graph 1 that the control set-up and the 10 krypton set-up are about the same but in the terminal of the graph. the 10 kR set-up was the highest in footings of norm works tallness. At 50 krypton. the works can non last any longer due to the radiation and no information was recorded because the endurance rate is 0 % means all the workss in the 50 krypton was dead. Unlike in the 10 krypton. 30 kR set-ups was comparatively lower than 10 kR apparatus in footings of works growing. survival rate and sprouting rate. Plants have some resistant to some radiation because workss do non hold lotions and sunscreens and they need sunlight for photosynthesis and we know that the Sun emits UV beams. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The consequence of different degrees of radiation was observed by enlightening maize seed utilizing three different setups-10 krypton. 30 krypton. and 50 krypton. Data was collected and shown. Therefore. there is a certain degree of radiation that can do a works grow more. In this experiment. we conclude that at 10 krypton. maize workss turn better because of mutant. Furthermore. this experiment is subjected to further reseach to better the decision that at certain degree radiation. workss turn better. Bibliography Das. L. D. ( 2006 ) . Genetics and Plant Breeding. New Age International Ltd. Harten. A. M. ( 1998 ) . Mutant Breeding: Theory and Practical Applications. Cambridge University Press. Mendioro. M. S. . Laude. R. P. . Barrion. A. A. . Diaz. M. Q. . Mendoza. J. C. . & A ; Ramirez. D. A. ( 2010 ) . Geneticss: Laboratory Manual 12th Revision. 7 Lakes Printing Press. Ramirerz. D. A. . Mendioro. M. S. . & A ; Laude. R. P. ( 2010 ) . Lectures in Genetics Ninth Edition. 7 Lakes Printing Press. Sax. K. ( 1955 ) . The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Plant Growth. American Journal of Botany. 360-364.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How does Flaubert use the Agricultural fair at Rouen to further his satire of 19th century French society?

Gustave Flaubert wrote his novel Madame Bovary in the mid-nineteenth century as a satirical comment on the upper middle class, those who were just rich enough to pretend to be rich. Flaubert loathed them and wrote his novel to make them appear as the fools that he thought them to be. His loathing for the upper middle class of 1850's France stemmed from the ideals which they held. Flaubert saw his fellows as a generation lost to the meritless and frivolous dreams of the French Romantic movement. French Romanticism was a movement through all the creative arts towards idealising the world which artists constructed. Although equally present in music and visual art, Flaubert focused both his hatred and his satire on the literature of the time, this reactionary nature earned him the title of a â€Å"naturalist†. This was however something that Flaubert hated; the Naturalistic movement was one that focused on specifics and on realism in a work, whereas Flaubert sought to make his story one that was applicable to any setting. Though his attention to detail in places mirrors that of a realist or naturalist writer, this is not his essential purpose. Flaubert defies any attempt to fit his work to a particular movement or style in French literature, though there is little doubt that his work Madame Bovary is a reactionary satire of French romanticism and of the bourgeois society that regurgitated the clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s of the movement. Each word in the novel is carefully chosen, so the book becomes a painstakingly constructed trap which ensnares the thoughts of the reader and guides them to the conclusions that Flaubert wants us to make. Although every word in the novel is vital to Flaubert's purpose, there are certain key passages that are particularly pivotal to the book. Among these is his description of the agricultural fair at Rouen in Part II Chapter 8. One section of this describes a conversation that occurs between Rodolphe and Emma in the provincial fair that surrounds it. The passage begins with a monologue from Rodolphe: what he expresses in the passage is a fairly clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ set of ideals from the romantic movement. He talks of â€Å"Striving souls† and â€Å"beating hearts† . Particularly typical is the idea of two souls matched by fate that cannot be drawn apart. However despite the words of the text the tone is not one of romance. Flaubert intentionally marrs Rodolphe's words by introducing them with the sentence: â€Å"Rodolphe had moved in closer to Emma, he was talking in a low voice, speaking rapidly† This has the effect that Rodolphe appears to be making a clumsy attempt to seduce Emma, rather than simply expressing noble sentiments. Another tool that Flaubert uses to make the entire situation still more comedic, is by consistently contrasting the everyday provinciality of the agricultural fair with the frivolous fantasies in which the two â€Å"star crossed lovers† engage. This is used consistently throughout the passage, but it makes its first appearance in introduction to this section: Flaubert talks of bleating lambs and cattle, then suddenly Rodolphe says: â€Å"Don't you find this social conspiracy revolting? Is there one sacred feeling that they do not condemn?†. This adds to the reader's feeling that Rodolphe and Emma are completely in a world of their own with little or no connection to the reality of the bovine conspirators. The reader should note the over-punctuation which creates a disjointed tone: Oh! Come what may, sooner or later, in six months, ten years, they will be together, will be lovers, because Fate ordains it, because they were born for one another. Flaubert runs the entire monologue into a single paragraph. This has the effect that we are left with the impression of a clumsy attempt at seduction muttered quickly under the breath. In the next paragraph Flaubert describes the sensations that Emma feels. He writes of Emma's observations of Rodolphe. Ironically much of the passage is devoted to describing the smell of Rodolphe's pomade and to the fresh scent of the ivy climbing a nearby house, but one can only imagine the onslaught of odours that would campaign against ones nostrils in a rural agricultural fair. Flaubert's writing here mimics that of French Romanticism, his style is an exaggeration of the literary genre that he seeks to mock. This is perhaps also a reflection of the feelings that Emma wants to have as much as the feelings that she does have. The next paragraph contains the concluding section of the Councillor's speech. One should note the immediate change: Emma has been lost to the scent of Rodolphe's hair, and then suddenly the councillor shouts out â€Å"Endurance! Perseverance!†, ideals which are in stark contrast to Emma's thoughts of desire. This serves to make Emma appear petty, concerned only with those matters that are emotive and frivolous. Flaubert makes another sly stab here, this time at the church. Endurance! Perseverance! Heed neither the voice of habit, nor the over-hasty teachings of rash empiricism! Dedicate yourselves above all to the improvement of the soil, to good manure, to the development of the various breeds, equine, bovine, ovine and porcine. If one reads the opening sentences from the Councillor's speech it becomes clear that his manner of oration is based on the stereotype of a â€Å"hellfire and damnation† preacher: the resemblance can perhaps be most clearly seen in the way he cries out virtues, and in â€Å"Heed neither the voice of habit, nor the over-hasty teachings of rash empiricism† a sentence that is quite biblical in its construction if not in its subjects. This is certainly a caricature of an evangelical preacher. This impression is aided by the Councillor's introduction: â€Å"†¦she could hear†¦ the voice of the councillor psalming out his phrases† Mimicking the style of a over-zealous padre serves to mock the church by imitation. Applying this same manner of speech to such a mundane topic as agriculture rather than religion serves to demystify it, making it appear comical. Lieuvain then dismounts his pulpit and is replaced by another speaker. Flaubert takes the opportunity of introducing the new orator to contrast the trivial nature of Rodolphe and Emma's discourse with the profound speech of Monsieur Derozerays. This is done by contrasting pairs of sentences throughout the paragraph, alternating between describing the lovers' conversation, and describing the speech. This technique begins thus: Accordingly, praise of the government played a lesser role; religion and agriculture were rather more in evidence†¦ Rodolphe, with Madame Bovary, was talking dreams, premonitions, magnetism. We now move a little lower on the page and find a similar contrast: †¦Cincinnatus at his plough, Diocletian planting his cabbages and the emperors of China bringing in the New Year by planting seeds, the young man was explaining to the young woman that these irresistible attractions had their origin in some previous existence†¦ Flaubert clearly wants to make a mockery of the whole situation. He is trivialising these matters of the heart by comparing them to the hardworking people of the fields, where the labourers are planting seeds for the New Year. Flaubert continues to alternate between describing the speech and describing the seduction. The contrasts between the two begin subtly but as we continue down the page they grow less and less so. By the time we reach the bottom of the page Flaubert has begun to intermingle the words of Rodolphe, speaking of love and destiny and of all the ideals of French romanticism and Derozerays, who talks of money of work and of that which is concrete and substantive: – Did you know that I would be escorting you? – Seventy francs!3 – A hundred times I wanted to leave, and I followed you, I stayed. – Manures! – As I shall stay this evening, tomorrow and the day after, all my life. Flaubert's purpose in this entire extract is to satirise the seduction. More importantly, it is to show that the ideals that are shared by the Bourgeoisie and the Church concern matters that are emotive and are therefore trivial compared to those things concrete such as land, money and food. Flaubert trivialises the entire Romantic genre by setting a clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d romantic conversation, that proliferates with the language and metaphors that permeate the literature that he is satirising. He then places this exaggeration of the Romantic movement into a situation that is overwhelmingly provincial and agricultural. This serves his purpose of mocking the petty bourgeoisie and the Romantic movement.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Not sure Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Not sure - Research Proposal Example This was a triggering event for me, and I decided to research more. My research gave me a lot of literature about the mechanics of the SLR camera, and its preferred advantages over other forms of camera. I also gained a lot of resource material on the different brands of SLR and digital SLR (DSLR). However, when I was viewing the disadvantages of SLR I found out that one of the disadvantages of the SLR is that the mirror system can cause noise. I researched more on it, but could not get enough information. One of the reasons why noise came into the images was because of the thermal effect. Therefore it struck me if using a sensor cooling system in consumer grade DSLRs can reduce noise. I tried to find more literature if such cooling sensors are being used in consumer grade models. There was some information available on the usage of CCD sensors in DSLR for use in astrophotography; however, there was no literature or trial models in the market which used cooling systems for SLR in consumer grade models. Therefore I decided to base my research on the scope of developing a consumer grade SLR that integrated cooling systems to reduce noise. My research paper reviews the DSLR mechanics, and its merits and demerits over other forms of cameras. In the later part, the paper explores the science behind noise, and how it is overcome. It then goes on to justify that why cooling sensors can decrease noise. The paper outlines an experiment that could be performed in order to assess if cooling sensors can decrease noise. The paper also provides safety precautions that need to be taken and the scope, if the experiment is successful, of such DSLR models in the market for cameras today. As mentioned above, one of the disadvantages of consumer-grade DSLR is that the signal to noise ratio is high. Therefore the experiment is designed to investigate how one a certain type of sensor can reduce this ratio. The first step

Thursday, September 12, 2019

End-of-Term Written Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

End-of-Term Written - Assignment Example Later on, with the turn of the century, white bands began to emerge and Jazz music has been evolving since its birth. In the book â€Å"A History of Jazz Music†, Scaruffi Piero credits New Orleans for becoming a hub for Jazz music and the pivot where musicians came to perform and earn. As it says, â€Å"New Orleans was a cosmopolitan amusement park. Thus music was always in demand, not just as paid entertainment but as the soundtrack of a never-ending party. In other cities ethnicity was a problem. In New Orleans ethnicity was an opportunity to improve the party, because each ethnic group brought its different style of partying (e.g., dances) to the party.† (Scaruffi, 2005) Stylistic Characteristic of Chick Corea The way he plays his electric keyboard especially on synthesizers is commendable and that is also one of the major reasons of his popularity. Also, Corea has been with countless bands and musicians, yet he has remained popular and his music, ever recognizable w ith the bass drums, blues, syncopation, improvisation and what not. He started playing piano from the age of four and had been influenced by Horace Silver and Bud Powell. As mentioned above, he collaborated with various artists in performing Jazz music and it says that he remained playing for 40 years with all these people; keeping in mind the fact, that he started his career in early 1960’s. With the turn of the 21st century, Corea began experimenting with solo albums and produced six solo albums namely, Solo Piano: Originals, Solo Piano: Standards, Past, Present & Futures, Rendezvous in New York, To the Stars and The Ultimate Adventure. It must be noted that Corea is not just a pianist but also a composer and that he had engaged in experimenting with Jazz music in collaboration with many other vocalists, drummers and guitarists to carve a niche for himself in this music genre. He is an award-winning icon who is best known for his â€Å"countless performances, recordings, t ours and collaborations with some of the music’s most well-respected names. Having been a member in bands of legends like Miles Davis, Stan Getz, and countless others, Corea began developing what has become a remarkably illustrative career. As a member of these bands, Corea met many of his closest musical cohorts, of whom he would work closely with for years to come.† (Larson, 2013) Among other things, Corea is also known to be associated with Scientology, which has a major impact on his music and as he said in one of his interviews that he could communicate with millions of people while performing as he implied Scientology in his music. About â€Å"Return to Forever† Return to Forever was composed in 1972 but it was released in USA not before 1975 and therefore their second album, â€Å"Light as a Feather† which was released in 1973; made their first album really popular. Return to Forever is another fusion of Latin and Brazilian rhythms which is mixed wi th electro-piano notes. This album is very soft and comprises of romantic numbers which is very different than that of other Jazz music which was being produced at that time. As Miles Davis and Tony Williams were producing ground shaking, rocking music, Corea and his team were approaching the Jazz music with yet another

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Positive action in the judicial appointments process is essential to Essay

Positive action in the judicial appointments process is essential to address the lack of diversity in the judiciary of England and Wales - Essay Example Available from the website at, It is important to carry out selection of candidates for the judicial positions in terms of merit which should be done based on just and open competition from the broad range of eligible contenders. I first agree with the notion that, we don not have any perfect judicial system and it is clear in the past recent years that some features of the appointment processes needed an urgent modernization. Delivering enhancements on the manner in which judges are appointed is a vital component of the selection program. I am therefore, among the many people who are dedicated to fighting for the element of diversity in judiciary to be incorporated through some range of critical measures. A judiciary that is visibly reflective of the society highly enhances the confidence of the public in the judicial system. Additionally, no one at any given moment should be foiled from his or her dream of becoming a judge, simply on the bases of sex, his race, the religion or any other protected trait as identified in equality act. The freedom from discrimination is a fundamental code of justice and equality that is preserved by law. It is also evident from that Judges who inhabit courtrooms in both Wales and England, are stereotypical white males from slim social grounds. Most of the concerns regarding to the Under-repres ented individuals tend to stem from the structures of legal vocations2. This is also worsened by the pool of the obtainable mid-career specialists who are eligible and fascinated in presenting themselves for the selection process. Hence, some obstacles arise due to the appointment processes which regards to the court arrangement and the various tribunals which judges operate in. I do not propose that the notion of merit should sparingly be focused on the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

HelloHealth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

HelloHealth - Essay Example Today, the organization has more than twice the rate of patients of a regular doctor’s office. Since there are four doctors, and each one is able to see more patients throughout the day than an average doctor without waiting times, the rate is twice as high, and still growing (Reporter’s Book Case Studies in Social Innovation and Creative Communities). Hello Health is a community of doctors that have made going to the doctor easy again. Instead of waiting in some emergency area in an impersonal hospital, Hello Health serves as the old-fashioned neighborhood doctor, adapted to todays lifestyle. Not only is this type of Health care accessible and affordable to all parts of society, but is also very individual and focused on each patient. The services of the four doctors who are involved in seeing twice as high number of patients throughout the day as an average doctor positively impact the city population and create new awareness for better health. The principles of Hello Health are to form a close and healthy relationship between patient and doctor and staying in constant communication, whether one is feeling absolutely all right or has some kind of health issue. The devices through which this is all made possible are the developed technologies of todays society. The internet and the cell phone serve as a means of making appointments and accessing ones records. The entire strategy behind Hello Health is meant to make life more convenient and affordable for both the patient and the doctor (Reporter’s Book Case Studies in Social Innovation and Creative Communities). Hello Health is known for its commitment to excellence, challenging work environment and to the community. This online clinic has a commitment to safeguard health concerns, provide best services to its customers, provide the best working environment for teamwork, creative thinking, respect, and open communication amongst

Monday, September 9, 2019

International Trade and finance Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Trade and finance Law - Essay Example In a number of ways, the mortgage industry also suffered, culminating in evictions, cancellations of mortgage programs in the pipeline and led to prolonged joblessness. The meltdown contributed immensely towards the closure of important corporations, decreases in buying power, and massive business losses. The ensuing chaos led to a significant slump in economy leading to recession, with lasting ramifications still being felt in Europe as evident in Euro Debt crisis. This paper critically analyses whether or not weak regulations resulted in the crisis. Many factors have been linked to the financial crisis, with differing priorities being attributed to the possible causes. There is consensus, though, that the crisis was the consequence of excessive investment in too risky, intricate financial programs1. Conflicts of interest being kept secret, the ineptitude of credit regulators, and the inability of the market to control the stock market are also other contributing factors linked to t he crisis. It is notable that the 1999 amendment of the Glass-Steagall Act by the US Congress, successfully removed the thin line which separated investment and depository financial institutions in the country. As a result, it can be argued that credit regulatory bodies and investors did not provide accurate valuation of the risks that mortgage-related pecuniary products could precipitate on the global economy. Equally, governments failed to modify their regulatory regimes to handle the current neo-modern financial economy. Studies on the origin of the meltdown have also been based on the impact of interest rate. Nonetheless, immediately after the crisis erupted, governments responded by enacting palliative pecuniary policies to control the ripple-effect on different economic sectors. These elaborate self-preservation measures such as the US Dodd-Frank regulatory reforms (2010) point to the laxity of laws as the main cause of the crisis. Poor regulations Out-dated regulatory mechani sms arguably left the financial sector to virtually regulate itself, despite the main aim of business organizations being making profit. It was difficult to verify the intentions of the many citizens who had applied for excess credit in an effort to build their families a decent home. This presumed innocence of the investors has turned the heat on bankers who approved the indiscriminate borrowings2. Banking industry has been an operating under strict laws for a very long time now; but over time and due to the growth of the global economy, the financial services industry may have been operating under lax regulatory regimes that could not handle rapid economic growth and globalization of the economy. This paper will prove that weak regulations and poor policy decisions played an important role in in events that led to the crisis. Institutional policies left oversight authorities with little to do in terms of making effective responses to crises of this magnitude. Regulations are said to have aggravated the negative impacts of the bubble in the value of homes. The laws and policy decisions that arguably contributed toward the crisis will also be considered. If not, new regulatory mechan

Supervisors Time Management as Perceived by the su Essay Example For Students

Directors Time Management as Perceived by the su Essay bordinates TIME MANAGEMENT OF SUPERVISORS AS PERCEIVED To my Lord who feel s...